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Paedagogia: Journal Pendidikan is constantly improving and upgrading the Open Journal System in order to raise the quality of journal articles to a new level. The artwork of Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan Volume 11 (1) has been updated. Some of the adjustments made by Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan's editorial staff include::
Display view: Beginning with volume 11 (1) in March 2022, Paedagogia: Journal Pendidikan have a new design. Some modifications are immediately visible, such as the journal summary on the website's top page. In every issue of the journal, the DOI number may be found immediately on each item in the table of contents. Several new features were also developed, including collaborations and a gallery featuring records of the editorial team's activities..
Scope: Paedagogia: Journal Pendidikan had a few revisions that focused more on education, expanding the breadth of research papers on Pedagogia. Articles on social studies that aren't linked to education aren't allowed. The goal of this alteration is to limit the focus of the publication and concentrate it more on education.
Languages : Paedagogia: Journal Pendidikan began publishing articles in English in issue 11(1). Authors may submit articles in Indonesian, but if they are approved after going through the review process, they will be requested to convert them into English. Our mission is to make journal articles more widely available on a worldwide scale.
Template: Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan has a new template that has been adapted to adhere to scientific journal writing standards in order to ensure consistent article quality. The journal's website offers templates for authors to download. Templates are available in two languages: English and Indonesian. The template's layout is also compliant with international indexation standards. Download template [English] [Indonesian]
Indexation: Several worldwide journal indexes have included the publication. Some of them are brand-new additions to prior editions. Only 15 journal indexing institutions previously indexed Paedagogia: Journal Pendidikan, and Over than 35 national and international indexers have now included Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan in their databases. View index
Peer Review: To increase the quality of Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan, more reviewers have been added. Reviewers are chosen for their experience in the fields of education and social studies, as well as the number of national and international articles they have published. See review process
Similarity Check: Turnitin and Ithenticate are used to check for similarity. The maximum similarity limit is now set at 35%, however this will be decreased in the upcoming edition. This seeks to prevent plagiarism in every manuscript published and enhance the journal's quality.